Clane-Maynooth Municipal District Meeting, Friday, 2 July 2021
That the council examine opportunities to calm vehicular speeds entering the built-up area on the L2002, near Parkview, Clane.
Agenda Report
The road referred to is the L2004, Millicent Road Clane. The location has been examined, and the roadway is narrow, with a footpath installed in recent years. This footpath has assisted in reducing traffic speeds, and during our inspections, no speeding was observed. The introduction of traffic calming measures is only considered if the 85-percentile speed exceeds the speed limit. This is very unlikely at this location, but to confirm the speed, this location will be included in the list for a traffic survey in 2022, subject to available resources.
Issued by: Ms P Pender A/Senior Executive Officer, Roads, Transportation and Public Safety Department.