Clane-Maynooth Municipal District Meeting, Friday, 1 November 2024
Councillor Pádraig McEvoy
That the council examine options to enhance the capacity of the footpath at the junction between Clane Main Street and Prosperous Road, L403, where turning
vehicles can encroach on the limited space allocated to pedestrians.
Kildare County Council has developed a draft layout for improvements to
this junction, in particular, to dramatically improve the approach and crossing widths for vulnerable road users. These improvements will assist pedestrians, including the elderly and students, walking to school and will affect the vehicular capacity of the junction. However, these proposed changes are designed in the context of Government Policy focused on the Road User Hierarchy, published by the Department of Transport and the National Transport Authority.
It should be noted that there is currently no external source of funding available to Kildare County Council to progress improvements. Requests to the National Transport Authority to reallocate funding to this junction improvement works have not been approved as there is a constraint nationally on the overall funding levels available for Active Travel Schemes.
Issued by: Mr D Hodgins, Senior Engineer, Sustainable Transport and Traffic
Parents of pupils walking to school have raised concerns about the risks taken by drivers whose vehicles mount the footpath beside pedestrians between the R403 Prosperous Road and Main Street, Clane.
CM07/1124 [Link]