Kildare County Council Meeting, Monday, 23 October 2023
Councillors Fintan Brett, Aidan Farrelly, Angela Feeney, Vanessa Liston, Pádraig McEvoy, Robert Power and Bob Quinn
That the council review the practice of suspending paid parking bye-laws during the Christmas period in order to be consistent with the Climate Act, the Climate Action Plan 2023, the draft Local Authority Climate Action Plan, and the council's policy objectives to enhance the percentages of people using the sustainable transport modes of walking, cycling and public transport.
The transport sector must reduce its emissions by 50% by 2030. This is an ambitious target, and we need to consider all policy decisions in this light. Pay parking is an issue for the members to decide, however, we would ask that the climate targets be taken into consideration.
Issued by: Ms C Barrett, A/Director of Service, Transport, Mobility and Open Spaces.
Minutes of the Meeting
15/1023 [Link]
Councillor McEvoy informed the meeting that the council had to achieve its climate reduction targets by 2030. Local authorities providing free parking may give the perception that we are inconsistent with our climate action objectives. Councillor Ó Cearúil said he couldn’t support this motion as it was eroding the functions of the Municipal Districts.
Councillor Kelly advised that Naas Municipal District had already voted to suspend pay parking but reminded people there was no suitable public transport that allowed the public to get in and around Naas. Good public transport was needed to reduce dependence on cars.
Councillor Power explained that the motion was looking for consistency across Municipal Districts. It was asking that a review of the practice be carried out not that it be taken from MD’s.
The members also made the following observations:
There were unintended consequences of giving free parking.
Local businesses needed to be supported.
Each town within the County was different.
The members were asking for a review, thus developing a framework on benefits to business.
Good information was needed to help decision-making.
This was a concession and not a reserved function.
There was confusion in the public mind over what was agreed on free parking.
Each Municipal District should make their own decision based on Council Policies. They respected the autonomy of the Municipal Districts but decisions should be consistent with the objectives of the Council
By allowing free parking, spaces were being blocked thus forcing drivers to drive around looking for free spaces adding to congestion and pollution.
The climate Action Plan would be coming before the members in December 2023.
A vote was called for and with 25 voting in favour of the motion, 12 voting against and one abstention, the motion was carried.
Resolved on the proposal of Councillor McEvoy seconded by Councillor Brett with 25 voting in favour of the motion, 12 voting against and one abstention that the council review the practice of suspending paid parking bye-laws during the Christmas period in order to be consistent with the Climate Act, the Climate Action Plan 2023, the draft Local Authority Climate Action Plan, and the council's policy objectives to enhance the percentages of people using the sustainable transport modes of walking, cycling and public transport.