Clane-Maynooth Municipal District Meeting, Friday, 4 October 2024
Councillor Pádraig McEvoy
That the council considers the opportunities to develop parking bylaw policies to enhance safe routes to schools where high levels of vehicle movement impact the efficient use of sustainable travel in this municipal district.
The Transport Department will work with the members on any future parking bye-law review to ensure that the policies are consistent with other transport objectives and promote a more sustainable model of travel to schools.
Issued by: Mr M McLoughlin, Senior Executive Officer, Transport, Mobility and Open Spaces.
CM10/0924 [Link]
The members considered the following motion in the name of Councillor McEvoy.
That the council considers the opportunities to develop parking bylaw policies to enhance safe routes to schools where high levels of vehicle movement impact the efficient use of sustainable travel in this municipal district.
The motion was proposed by Councillor McEvoy and seconded by Councillor Farrelly.
A report was received from Sustainable Transport and Traffic Management informing the members that The Transport Department will work with the members on any future parking bye-law review to ensure that the policies are consistent with other transport objectives and promote a more sustainable model of travel to schools.
The members raised the following:
Motion addressed this Municipal District but could be sent to SPC. Proposed that this item be sent to the Transport SPC.
Seeing a shift in Policies and Bye Laws and need for balanced and dynamic peripheral parking.
Resolved on the proposal of Councillor McEvoy and seconded by Councillor Farrelly and agreed by the members that this be sent to Transport SPC.