Clane-Maynooth Municipal District Meeting, Friday, 1 September 2023
Motion Pádraig McEvoy
That the council install signage to alert drivers on the L5077 Butterstream Lane to take account of walkers between Nancy's Lane and Prosperous Road, Clane.
Agenda Report
The Municipal District Engineer will arrange for signs to be erected.
Issued by: Mr. M McLoughlin, A/Senior Executive Officer, Roads and Transportation Administration.
CM12/0923 [Link]
"The members considered the following motion in the name of Councillor McEvoy. That the council install signage to alert drivers on the L5077 Butterstream Lane to take account of walkers between Nancy's Lane and Prosperous Road, Clane.
The motion was proposed by Councillor McEvoy and seconded by Councillor Weld.
A report was received from Transport, Mobility and Open Spaces informing the members the Municipal District Engineer would arrange for signs to be erected.
Resolved on the proposal of Councillor McEvoy and seconded by Councillor Weld and agreed by the members that the report be noted."
Google Map [link]