Clane-Maynooth Municipal District Meeting, Friday, 5 April 2024
Councillor Pádraig McEvoy
Can the council indicate if there is a budget available to replace the damaged public bicycle stands in the Clane-Maynooth Municipal District?
Agenda Report
The replacement of public realm infrastructure is challenging where maintenance budgets have not yet been established. Kildare County Council Transport Department is reviewing these issues on an ongoing basis.
Issued by: Mr. M McLoughlin, A/Senior Executive Officer, Transport, Mobility and Open Spaces.
Meeting Minutes
CM26/0424 [link]
"Councillor McEvoy said a number of Sheffield Stands had either been damaged or removed. There were competing demands and the need to budget for infrastructure, and this needed to be an agenda item in the future.
The District Engineer said he could not commit to everything being done.
The report was noted."